Sunday, August 30, 2009

When you're powerless

Powerless :an adjective to describe how one has little control over the things happening around/to him/her

Right now im powerless because my lappy is literally powerless, as in without that current n voltage combination. Coz i can't find my precious adapter.
Just one more way to make me feel more powerless than i already am, in this world where we need to understand sociological imagination...

to quote fall out boy: "you can only blame your problems on the world for so long..."
yups, stop blaming n start getting all this shyt fixed.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Mr everything

I may had my fair share of fatigue n alcohol. But one part of me will not change for now. No matter what was the outcome of the voting last night/this morning, you will always remain my Mr. S, Mr. K n Mr. H.
It could be the last night i see u. Sry if i didnt start a convo during dinner. Sry we atill didnt take photo tgt.
Will always remb u. Thx for inspiring us, with choreo n with ur faith in us, even with nt so fantastic, low profile peeps like me.
Thx n if fate would be kind i will c u again.

A random junior of urs

Friday, August 21, 2009

Just Dance

Just Dance, gotta be okay. Da da doo doo...

Yea, we love Lady Gaga. She consoles me right just when I need it.
F*cking stress over subj reg, LBS's BF307 class and my double pirouettes...

Ju- Ju- Just Dance....

Thursday, August 20, 2009


本当のことは教えた、ありがとう ございいました。
早く いいダンーサになりたいから、自分で頑張る。

心配しないで、是非 いいダンーサになる。

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Exhuastion Story

This lazy blogger is exhuasted with pairs other than yin and yang and angel and devils, donate more examples coz it really helps link up my paragraphs.
This lazy blogger is exhuasted from daily practices, but could foresee herself missing this lifestyle REALLY soon.
This lazy blogger is just got back from Taiwan before the storm hit, but was regretably sorry she won't be applying to go there anymore next year. (but she really wants to... but her family, friends and DANCE mates are here... Should she pursue? There's 24-48 hours more to decide before its all tooo late...)
This lazy blogger decided to upload some pictures that took a tan and tonnes of perspiration to get them.

Thank you for the enjoyable trip.
Acknowledged to:
my two travel babes, Ting & Ting
AIU Summer pals, Ron and Rae
and to all of Taiwan of coz.

Eat Sleep Dance. Eat Sleep Dance. Dance forever and forever. =D Totally addicted

Monday, August 3, 2009

Greatest fear

Some say death is man's greatest fear
. Others claimed it is public speaking.

Well, I can only say this is one of my greatest fear:

Don't we all hate a low batt sign, be it notebook or mobile phone?