Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Exhuastion Story

This lazy blogger is exhuasted with pairs other than yin and yang and angel and devils, donate more examples coz it really helps link up my paragraphs.
This lazy blogger is exhuasted from daily practices, but could foresee herself missing this lifestyle REALLY soon.
This lazy blogger is just got back from Taiwan before the storm hit, but was regretably sorry she won't be applying to go there anymore next year. (but she really wants to... but her family, friends and DANCE mates are here... Should she pursue? There's 24-48 hours more to decide before its all tooo late...)
This lazy blogger decided to upload some pictures that took a tan and tonnes of perspiration to get them.

Thank you for the enjoyable trip.
Acknowledged to:
my two travel babes, Ting & Ting
AIU Summer pals, Ron and Rae
and to all of Taiwan of coz.

Eat Sleep Dance. Eat Sleep Dance. Dance forever and forever. =D Totally addicted

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