Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mission 13: Set up a travel blog

I'm so glued to the manga Watashi ni XX shinasai that I'm writing like the mangaka.
(btw. a small translation: Watashi ni XX shinasai means Please do XX to/with me, how assertive...)

Basically, Yukina creates missions for her "love game" counterpart Shigure in almost all the chapters. And I'm creating missions for myself, now that I'm an official freeloader.

So there you go: Mission 13 (coz starting from 1 is damn noob)
Set up a travel blog.

But of coz, with HTML knowledge dating back from Neopets era (yes, self-taught HTML from experimenting "decors" in my Neopet shop.) and all that Web 2.0 ya-duhs, I found myself going to tutorial after tutorials to get this whole thing going.
What labels? What blogger widgets? What XML? Geez...

Hindered slightly, but will be up in no time, giving you real-time updates across the globe (that is if I manage to hole myself near in a Wifi hub)

Countdown to take off: 11 days

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cross Roads

On the crossroads of career paths once again.

And this time I going comms crazy all over again.
Really? Communication and Mass Media?
Death by covering terrorism and warfare?
Sued for reporting political taboo?
Becoming unofficial copywriters of corporations?

Why did Esther even suggested? =X

But Malcolm Galdwell: Inspiring writer for the New Yorker.

Back to Muse's Uprising, who inspires millions. And only those who seek shall find its true message. That inspires me.

We all have to begin with an end in mind.
And I've decided mine after months of soul searching.

Can I be your inspiration?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lack of privacy

This lack of privacy is driving me crazy.
I need to be left ALONE.

The only reason I'm up at 4am in the morning is because I want to BE ALONE.
So why is there people lurking around my personal time and space, making it impossible for my to move on. I didn't sacrifice sleep for fun DAMN YOU.

And somehow, I'm allergic to red wine....
Damn itchy.
Sorry for the ranting but I'm FREAKING pissed off right now.