Friday, April 17, 2009


Tadaima! I'm back with blogging.
After long periods of constraint, restraints and whatever straints, it's just in me to write and give you buckets full of crap, and of coz a little peek into my seemingly ordinary life.

Here comes the roller coaster!
I just finished my Sociology and Research Exam and WEeee!
Just like coming down Escape in Movie World, heading up for the next fall on 28th and 29th.

Just to end off the entry, Just watched Lovely Complex (Live Movie).
My new chibi-kun, Teppei!

And of coz not forgetting my all-time favourite Takahashi Minami!
Congrats, you're an idol! (that's for the super hilarious Mendol series, where she's so hot)

Have yet to figure out how to use blogger, so yikes to the original template.
Xiu Yu will know how much I'm an aesthetic person.
Yay, will see her tmr!

Till the next entry then.

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