Tuesday, April 28, 2009

べんきょう to the Max

Pardon the bad English/ Japanese..
If there's a song to sing now, it will be entitled: べんきょう to the Max!

Examのとき なにをしますか?
べんきょう to the max
よくべんきょう べんきょう!

When exam comes, what do you do?
Study to the max
Study Hard Study!

I can see the -.- face. Yes...

Check out the skit we made with my latest fetish, Kinder Joy here.

Behind the scenes:
The ulitmate story of the dog and the spider.

Spider meets dog. Posing with my hottest korean eraser. I mean its the Korean wave. So anything korean is "hot". No offense intended.

Here's today's story. Spidey meets an egg.

Tada~ A new erm.. stingray to the family.

Spidey's sexy pose with my Texas Instrument. It's expensive stuffs ok, no kidding.

Finally, ending off with a pretty lame doodle I had on my Equities notes.
Is Chun Li a shinigami? What's with the invisible "Bankai"...
And that fella is totally nameless. I can't draw guys for nuts.

Okie got to cut the crap. Know I haven't done my cheat sheet? And it's already 3 in the morning.
Returning to べんきょう to the Max...

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