Monday, April 20, 2009

More 宅 than ever


Before the 宅 part,
Since when did Corona have sooo many colours?
Since it entered my world. Yep and they all taste the same as ever.

Anyways, I'm getting more 宅 in hope to meet my own 装俊男. Which room is out for rental?
My sis says its the store room. =X
(Just in case you don't get this one, there's this Taiwanese Idol series 爱就宅一起, or known as Superstar Express or To.Get.Her., where this "otaku" girl meets a rockstar, conveniently in her own house.)

I'm not 宅 by choice... It's exam periods, duh...

Situational "阿宅" heading back to Portfolio Management...

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