Friday, March 19, 2010

Honey I know this act...

Mark: Have you ever doubted a kiss or two?
Joanne: This is spooky...

Who would have thought I'm back to the Rent musical craze?

The Tango Maureen
Gotta dance till your diva is through
You pretend to believe her
Cause in the end -- you can't leave her
But the end it will come
Still you have to play dumb
Till you're glum and you bum
And turn blue
Why do we love when she's mean?
And she can be so obscene
(Joanne) My Maureen...

I know why this song sticks. Coz it's about how Mark and Joanne likes this girl Maureen despite her cheating on them etc. Unconditional love, not viable in rational utility-seeking individuals (in theory of economics) but they nonetheless exist.

Isn't this abstractly beautiful?

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