Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Lottery Moment

The probability of 1/5040, that is how much chance you have to win in 4D (a local authorised lottery game in Singapore).

However with a cummulative shareholder returns of -21.60%, what are the chances that a lottery moment could be on the way?

Background Explanation: This is a simulation game from a mod in school. It's like Theme Hospital and Rollercoaster Tycoon without the visuals. All we have are numbers. The business is on cell phones and we have no idea what the cell phone we are selling look like and so on.

Imagine the shock when I entered the site to see this:

Nope I didn't notice the largest profit. What I first saw was that my team was NOT the firm with the largest loss.

Then I came to this chart:
Wow, some firm just made a breakthrough from that "red ocean" of intense competition.
Wait a minute! Isn't green our colour?

And I went back to the previous site (this) AGAIN:
And just imagine the shock when I saw MY team at the largest profit rank.
Imagine seeing yourself at the "largest loss" position for more than 1 month since the game started, who would have thought that Lord would be so kind to grant us this miracle?

Even if it were for a moment, a moment was all I needed.
I who notice the short-lived beauty; the fireworks that took hours to set up and last only 10 seconds; the dance show we rehearsed for 3 months for that 30 mins to shine; the falling leaves; this is one of them. Thank you for the chance.

To continue the winning streak or not, let us use mortal means to achieve them from now on.

Here's a beautiful song that fit the moment:
"Chances are when said and done, who would be the lucky ones who will make it all the way?"
- Chances, Five for fighting

But a final shoutout to my darling team: we, the resilient bunch. Keep on rocking. =)
(and of coz I believe it was the great minds that made this possible, not just the bunch of superstition-sounding crap at all.)

Ps. Btw, just to debuff, I'm a freethinker. Perhaps some God out there had been kind to us. Perhaps the forces of nature did the trick. Or maybe it's just a trick of chance and statistics.

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