Friday, August 20, 2010

Rants of the angsty kid

I'm so fucking annoyed I thought I would die.
First of all, I was waiting to sleep at 930pm.
Then, my meeting only adjourned at 1135pm.
And when I can close up the admin and sleep, Alas, I forgot my CFA registration.
Then I turned on the already shut down macbook to wait 5-10 mins to ENTER the CFA website.
Meanwhile, I tweet twice, and resort to writing a blog WHILE WAITING.
And it's now 1232am and I'm still awake waiting to register myself.

3 reasons to this mishap:
1. I don't have a workable card powered by VISA or MasterCard. Only fucking losers STILL don't own these at this internet age. Internet banking FT to CFAInstitute must be a joke.
2. I'm jobless and broke and even with a debit card I can't pay for my own education. YES. Why am I taking the bloody exam? I question myself from time to time. Why take JLPT? Why waste money studying?! BECAUSE I'm damn angry at this world for making money so bloody important. Working class kid cannot learn 3rd language, just because they're not swimming in money like the others? SCREW that. Yes, I can never learn piano, violin, whichever artsy rubbish from young. But 3rd language? SHUT UP, I will starve myself if it takes that.
3. I'm DISPLEASE at the instability of my macbook/safari whichever. Facebook virus? What?! I didn't watch porn can? Besides, Mac are supposed to virus protected with Snow Leopard OS, not that I understand how exactly that works.

And it's 1239am, ranting and still waiting to be logged in.
Now logged in but CANNOT register still, coz "SHE GOT NO MONEY IN THE BANK".
FML, I can't believe my MJ audition song becomes the OST to my life.
Angst also no use nia. I have to work up some shyt way to get credit ASAP or have to wait till June 2011 for the next intake.
Credited and official candidate by 1256am. Thank u Papa Mama for always donating money to this bottomless pit (namely me). I will repay all even if it means starving (I make it sound like ancient chinese drama, and I'm those scholars starving to get educated. WTF)

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