Sunday, May 17, 2009

BnJ nig

It's Open Mike Night at BnJ.
Here're some shining stars of the night:

and Former Latter Feat Andrea

Once again, get a new digi cam alr. -.-
The vids are nothing like the 'live' versions. (I bet even the best digi cam in the market can't capture the 'live' effect. So there.
Cathay's BnJ, place to great hangout.

Some food review in the house:
Tried this new japanese rice-based pizza from the basement of parco today.
It's called Pizza-kun, with a funky Dharma doll mascot.
Taste: 3 out of 5
Offers all you want from a pizza on rice. Would have taste better without the burnt rice as the "pizza crust".
Appearance: 4 out of 5
Colourful and attractive
Portion: 5 out of 5
A decent "fast-food takeaway" for one. Comes in a set with complimentary drink and garlic bread too.
Price: I forgot its price... Within acceptable range

Next up, Carl's Jr.(Beef Chili cheese fries)
Taste: 4.5 out of 5
Best fries I've tasted so far. With funky beef bits accompanying the chili cheese fries. Protein and Carbohydrate filled.
Apperance: 3 out of 5
Looks just like any other cheese fries.
Portion: 3 out of 5
Good for a snack. Can't be accompanied with Carl's Burger unless you had skipped lunch or something (too filling)...
Price: 3 out of 5
Tad pricey for fries, but the beef justifies the cost.

>Check out that cute little cup they gave me for my drink!

And finally, the stuffs from Ikoma's vending machine.
This is Kireeto Lemon (lemon soda).
Taste: 1 out of 5
Concentrated and filled with carbon dioxide. More sour than sweet, which actually function to perk you up in class.
Apperance: 3.5 out of 5
Catchy japanese packaging.
Portion: 5 out of 5
Perfect as a "perk-you-up-in-jap-class" drink. Any more will just end up in the trash can.
Price: I'm bad with prices.

Here's the belated update on mothers day
The cake.
And the flower which is withering as I speak.
(Nope. No picture for the withering fella)

Final shoutout from the chibi on the last night of freedom:
The kinder joy collection that multiplies rapidly like H1N1...
That's it.
Back to my "Tuas chalet" for the week.

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